
Vidnami Review 2021- My Experience using Vidnami

Overall Rating- 4.5/5.0
Vidnami (formerly known as Content Samurai) is an AI-powered multi-purpose video creation tool using which any non-tech-savvy marketer/individual can create captivating and engaging videos that boost sales conversions in no time. Vidnami is meant for those who want to create powerful videos at very less amount of money and time.

Industry-standard features like AI-powered Automatic clip selection, AutoVoice, Blog Post to Video, Starter templates and much more.

Ease of Use

Very user-friendly and intuitive user interface. Literally anyone can easily start creating videos using Vidnami (originally Content Samurai)


29-47$/month*. (based on offer availability).No one-time pricing plan available. Monthly and yearly plans are available. 


Quick customer support via email. Gentle and Polite support team assisting even with your lame queries!

Table of Contents

Vidnami Review - Introduction


Welcome to my Vidnami review (originally Content Samurai). I’m so excited to have you here!

In this review article, I will be talking about a #1 powerful online video maker using which you can create engaging videos :

  1. Fast and Quick
  2. For very little money
  3. Without any technical skill
  4. Without the need for you to go and talk in front of a camera.

Use the Contents table to navigate and jump to specific sections.

Alright, let’s dive in to find out more about Vidnami!

Vidnami Review - The Power Of Videos

Nothing Beats Video!

In 2021, over 80% of all traffic will be driven by video content.


Around 97% of marketers claim that video content helps customers understand their products.


Around 90% of the customer's claim that video content is helpful in making a purchase decision.

Social Media Today

In today’s scenario, video can be synonymously considered as money for marketers and brands. Video content has become that important in captivating and pushing a user towards buying a product/service.

Video content is proven to bring more user attention and engagement than any other content form. Moreover, video content also makes your users hooked to your content.

In this digital era, where there is information overload, keeping your users constantly engaged to a particular piece of content is not an easy job. Users are constantly bombarded by a never-ending series of advertisements all the time. Therefore, to stand out from the noise and to capture your user’s attention, you got to use videos!

However, only a small quantity of marketers end up using videos for their marketing campaigns. Others, just throw their ideas into the ‘too-difficult’ trash can. Yes, creating an engaging video is a very difficult and demanding job for the following reasons:

  • The need to appear and speak in front of a camera
  • Need for a professional set-up and camera
  • Need for costly and complicated video software.
  • Need for technical skills to create and finish videos.
  • Need to have never-ending patience, lol!
  • Need to hire an expensive freelancer/voiceover artist to do the job for you.

Overall, it is very frustrating, isn’t it? 

Being an affiliate marketer and blogger myself, I too stayed away from video content for the reasons listed above. I tried looking for solutions, but couldn’t find a reliable and affordable one.

But one lucky day, a fellow marketer recommended me a software called Content Samurai (Now Vidnami). Since then, it has been a pleasant and fun-filled video creation and marketing experience so far!

Let me introduce to you, the current #1 AI-powered online video maker – Vidnami!

Vidnami Review- What is Vidnami?

Vidnami Review 2021- My Experience using Vidnami

Originally launched as Content Samurai, Vidnami is an AI-Powered online video maker using which you can make professional and engaging multi-purpose videos. Vidnami’s Artificial Intelligence automatically converts your entered text content into an engaging and captivating video in no time. 

Yes, all you have to do is to enter the text, and Vidnami will automatically select the relevant images and video clips and generates very relevant video content. So, there is no need for you to go in front of a camera!

Using Vidnami, you could also repurpose your old existing text/video content into a fun and engaging content. For example, you could convert a blog post into a captivating video and use it for educational or marketing purposes. 

Wait that’s not it! You get to create videos without needing to possess any technical skill. Yes, Vidnami’s user-friendly and intuitive interface allows you to create engaging and professional videos super quick in just a few steps.

Moreover, there is no need for recording your own voice or hiring a voiceover artist. Vidnami’s text-to-speech technology will automatically convert your text into a naturally sounding voiceover! 

Ultimately, you get to create engaging and converting videos at very minimal cost and time!

Vidnami Video Types

Vidnami (Content Samurai) is a multi-purpose online video maker using which you could make the following videos:

  • Instagram Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • E-Commerce Videos
  • Training/Course Videos
  • Influencer Videos
  • Real Estate Videos
  • Sales Videos
  • Content Videos
  • Social Media Videos
  • Repurpose your old content and much more!
  • Webcam Presenter Videos [NEW]
  • Vertical Videos [NEW]

Let’s take a look at some video examples that have been created using Vidnami.

Vidnami Demo Video

Take a look the official Vidami Demo Video, to learn more about the online video maker platform.

Vidnami Review -About the Creators/Founders

Vidnami - Noble Samurai Logo

Content Samurai was created and launched in 2015 by a reputed software company in Australia called Noble Samurai. Noble Samurai is known for developing cutting-edge software applications for internet marketing like Market Samurai (keyword research tool), Scriptnami, etc.

Content Samurai was changed to Vidnami in May 2020 since the former dint sound like a video creation software. Vidnami derived its name from the Japanese term ‘nami’ which means “wave”. The name Vidnami refers to the idea of building a positive and strong wave of influence using videos.

Vidnami Review- Will Vidnami Suit You?

Well, if you are looking to make professional and engaging videos at minimal time, effort and money, then Vidnami might suit you well.

Vidnami is a multi-purpose online video maker and it suits for the following people, 

  • Content Creators
  • Coaches
  • Freelancers
  • Influencers
  • Digital Marketers
  • Online and Offline Businesses
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Bloggers
  • Social Media Managers
  • Authors
  • Youtubers and many others

Types of Videos that you can create:

  • Social Media Ads
  • Display Ads
  • Product Reviews
  • Demonstration
  • E-commerce videos
  • Content Videos (from your blog posts)
  • Sales/Product Videos
  • Influencer Videos and Many more!

Moreover, Vidnami might me your perfect choice of video creation software if:

  1. You don’t have any technical video creation skill
  2. Do not wish to record yourself in the camera
  3. Do not have the budget and time to hire freelancers, fancy set-ups and voiceover artists,

BUT at the same time, YOU WANT TO:

  • Create captivating and engaging videos that would boost engagement, lead generation and sales conversion.

Vidnami Review- Features

Now, let’s look into the various features offered by Vidnami (originally Content Samurai).

Vidnami works on its software constantly and drops updates on a regular basis. So, you can expect some cool features in the near future. All updates will be added free of cost to existing customers.

Intelligent Clip Selection

Vidnami Features - Intelligent Clip Selection

Vidnami’s Artificial Intelligence Technology is so powerful that it automatically finds and selects the most relevant clips bases on your input script. Moreover Vidnami consists of a huge library of 790,000+ clips. Just recently, (Jan 2021) a newer update of AI Engine was released, thus making Vidnami more powerful and fast.

This features saves great deal of time. Normally ,it would take several hours to create even a minute of video on any premium video editing software.

No Video Editing Necessary

Vidnami Features - No editing required

Again, since the AI engine is very powerful, Vidnami is able to combine your texts with the most relevant clips, audio track and music. You only have to do minor tweaks. Otherwise, there is no need for you to sit and edit the video generated by Vidnami. 

Customize to the Fullest and Make it Yours!

Vidnami Features - Customize Unlimitedly

You have unlimited customization options. You could add you your own logo, images, clips and music tracks and make your videos stand unique.

Music for Every Occasion

Vidnami Features - Free Music Library

You get access to around 30,000 royalty-free music library using which you could select the perfect music track for your videos.

Automatic Captions

Vidnami Features - Automatic Captions

Adding captions has now become effortless. Thank to Vidnami, your captions will be automatically transcribed and added to the content.

100s of Professional Video Templates

If you do not want to create your videos from the scratch, you could start from over 100s of professional video templates available for multiple platforms like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. 

The templates are categorised as follows:

  • Content Videos
  • Training/Online Course Videos
  • Sales Videos
  • Influencer Videos
  • Video Ads

You could then customize or tweak the templates as per your preference. 

Unlimited Videos at Full HD 1080p

There are no monthly usage limits on Vidnami whatsoever. You could literally create and render unlimited videos at full HD 1080p quality. 


For some reasons, if you could not record your own voice or do not have a pre-recorded voice track, you could use Vidnami’s AutoVoice feature which adds voice overs via text-to-speech technology. Moreover, there is no need for you to use you own voice, unless if you want to.

AutoVoice consists of several natural sounding male and female voices of different accents and you could choose one based on our preference.

Exclusive Facebook Member's Area

Vidnami provides provides access to a private Facebook Community to its users. Here, you could reach out to your fellow users for any guidance/opinions.

Customer Support

The makers of Vidname i.e. the Noble Samurai have a very warm customer support team who respond to your queries pretty quickly.

The main means of customer support communication is via e-mail. You could also make use of the private Facebook group.

My Experience with Vidnami -Live Demo

As I have mentioned earlier, I stayed away from creating video content due to the two following factors:

  1. I didn’t have the technical skill to create and edit a video by myself.
  2. Secondly, I could not afford the cost to outsource the video.

I would say that I was very fortunate to stumble upon Vidnami. Initially, I was a bit hesitant upon buying it but somehow my friend (who is also a blogger) convinced me to buy it. 

Within only 30 minutes of using Vidnami for the first time, I ended having a professional and engaging video!

It was so easy. All I need to do was to watch a training video and have a text script. The entire video creation process was like online shopping! I just had to choose my required template/size, feed the script, tweak some scenes, select an auto voice/music and download my video.  Thanks to Vidnami’s powerful AI engine and user-friendly interface.

Now, you might think I am exaggerating about Vidnami’s capabilities. So, why don’t I demonstrate to you how easy it is to create an engaging and professional video using Vidnami?

Vidnami Review - DEMONSTRATION

Alright, enough of all the explaining stuff. Let take a live demo into Vidnami where I will be demonstrating the video creation process. 

Let’s a create a video together!

Vidnami Home Dashboard
Vidnami Home Dashboard

This is how your home dashboard would look like. I am going to click on ‘Create a new video’ to start the video creation.

Vidnami Template Section-Select a Template
Template/Video type Selection

We will be taken to the video creation sequence, where you have to select a preferred template/video type to start with. As I have explained earlier, you can create the following videos in both Landscape and Square dimensions:

  1. Content Videos
  2. Influencer Videos
  3. Instant Ad
  4. Sales Videos
  5. Course/Training Videos
  6. Property Video

Select your preferred template by previewing them. I am going to select Lime Green.

Enter your text script
Script Section to Enter your text content

After selecting the template, we will have to enter your text script. For this demo purpose, let’s take content from this review itself. After entering the script, I’m going to click ‘Create Scene’. 

Text formatting will be automatically taken care of and you can review and tweak them on the next section.

Vidnami Review 2021- My Experience using Vidnami
Scenes Section

As you see in the image, Vidnami has automatically generated different scenes based on my text content using its AI technology. Let’s review them and do some fine-tuning.

You could replace video clips/images based on your preference. Just click on the suggested keywords or search for a specific keyword to find your desired media. There is also a provision for uploading and using our own media.

You will be provided with text customization options as well. If you find that you need to modify, transform, delete or create a new scene, you could do that easily using the options provided below each scene.

You could also customize the entire layout and style of the template if you want. But for now, I’m going to keep the design and do a few customizations to my scenes.

Vidnami Review 2021- My Experience using Vidnami

I’m done with the tweaks and the next step is adding a voice track.

Add Voice Track using Auto-voice
Auto-Voice Selection

Vidnami provides 4 voice options :

  1. No Voice, only music track
  2. Auto-Voice
  3. Recording your own voice track, and
  4. Uploading your pre-recorded voice track.

In this case, I’m going to select auto-voice. We could choose one by previewing 14 different natural-sounding male and female voices. I’m selecting Heidi for this video. 

Recording you own voice using Vidnami (Content Samurai)
Recording your own voice using Vidnami

Before proceeding to the next section, I would also like to show how cool and easy it is to record your own voice using Vidnami. 

You could record each scene individually and you will be provided the corresponding text script for easy recording. You could then preview and re-record as many times as you want. Vidnami automatically syncs your recorded voice with the video scenes.

Video Preview Section
Previewing your video

Here, you can add music, adjust auto-voice speed and add watermarks to your video. You have a plethora of music tracks based on different moods and genres to choose from. 

You could then preview the complete video with the auto-voice and music track. If you are good, then proceed to the last section i.e. video generation and download.

In most cases, the auto-voice will be in perfect sync with the video scenes. On very rare occasions, if you want to adjust the timing manually, simply click on ‘Manually Adjust Timing’.

Alter you voice track timing manually

So here, you can easily adjust the voice track timing for each scene by simply dragging the timeline indicators to either compress (make faster) or stretch (make slower) the voice track.

I’m fine with the preview video itself and I’m going to click on “Looks Good, Continue” to proceed to the download section. 

Select the video quality and download

Here, We will have to select the video quality and click on ‘Generate Your Video’. Once it is generated, we can download the video. 

And, we are done creating our video. Let’s take a look!

So, How was the video that we just created? 

Fantastic right?

It hardly took us 7-10 minutes to create that video and that is the power of Vidnami!

I hope that this demonstration would have given you a clear idea about the potential of Vidnami (Content Samurai). Let’s move on to the Pricing section.

Vidnami Review- PRICING

Vidnami comes in two pricing plans- Monthly plan and the Annual Plan.

The Most Popular Plan
$ 47 Monthly
  • Create Unlimited Videos
  • 790,000+ Storyblocks Video Clips
  • 125,000,000+ Royalty Free Images
  • 30,000 Premium Music Tracks
  • 170+ Stunning Video Templates
  • 30+ Popular Fonts
  • Intelligent Video Clip Selection
  • 14 Text-to-Speech Voices
  • Auto Sync of Audio and Visuals
  • Full Motion Video Backgrounds
  • Landscape and Square videos
  • Unlimited Customization
  • Auto Bolds Keywords
  • Kens Burn Effect , Transitions and animated texts
The Best Value Plan
$ 397 Annually
  • 30% OFF Discount
  • Create Unlimited Videos
  • 790,000+ Storyblocks Video Clips
  • 125,000,000+ Royalty Free Images
  • 30,000 Premium Music Tracks
  • 170+ Stunning Video Templates
  • 30+ Popular Fonts
  • Intelligent Video Clip Selection
  • 14 Text-to-Speech Voices
  • Auto Sync of Audio and Visuals
  • Full Motion Video Backgrounds
  • Landscape and Square videos
  • Unlimited Customization
  • Auto Bolds Keywords
  • Kens Burn Effect , Transitions and animated texts
Best Value


Exclusive Lifetime 40% Offer [22.03.2021 to 26.03.2021 PST]

As a part of new Vertical Video launch, Vidnami has partnered with affiliates like me, to provide you an exclusive 40% lifetime discount!

Which means, if you act fast, you could Vidnami for just 29$/month for lifetime!

Along with the 40% offer, you also get the following BONUSES:

If you have missed out on the 40% Offer, it is unfortunate :-/

But don’t worry, I can still offer you an exclusive 25% Offer for Vidnami!

YES, since I use Vidnami, I also have the privilege to provide you 25% discount along with all the exclusive BONUSES mentioned above!

So, hurry up, do not miss the 25% offer as well. Just use my link below to subscribe to Vidnami right now!

Vidnami 25% Offer

Well, if you miss out on the 40% Lifetime offer, do not worry. You still got my exclusive 25 % lifetime offer!

Instead of paying regular monthly price of 47$, you could use my exclusive discount and subscribe at 35$/month for lifetime!

Click the above link and you will be redirected to the offer/payments page.

Vidnami vs InVideo vs Lumen5

Comparing Vidnami with other leading online video maker software like InVideo and Lumen5, Vidnami has the upper hand with a more advanced AI Engine. 

Watch the video below, to find out how Vidnami outperforms InVideo and Lumen5.

All these online video maker software work on Artificial Intelligence technology, and from the above video, it is clearly evident that Vidnami’s superior AI engine allows you to create videos in minimal time and money when compared to other online video maker software like InVideo and Lumen5.

Vidnami Review- PROS & CONS


  • User-Friendly and Intuitive Interface
  • Easy and Fast Video Creation
  • Currently, the best when compared to InVideo and Lumen5 (other similar AI-powered online video makers)
  • Convert blog posts/articles into engaging videos
  • Royalty-free images, video clips and music tracks.
  • 170+ Professional Templates to start with.
  • Customize your videos as you wish.
  • AutoVoice feature for automatic text-to-speech.
  • Cloud based tool, no installation required.
  • Very good customer support.
  • Render unlimited videos at full HD 1080p.
  • Free 14-day trial


  • Cannot create animated videos like doodle videos, explainer videos and 3D animation videos.
  • No one-time pricing plan available/Not for an occasional video creator.

If you are looking for a more affordable video creation software to create engaging doodle videos ,then you should read my review on Doodlemaker.

Vidnami Review-User Testimonials

Vidnami Review - Final Thoughts & Conclusion

As I have explained earlier, video content is the most engaging and converting content among all the content formats. Moreover, videos tend to perform better irrespective of the marketing objective. Let it be awareness, consideration, or purchase stages of the consumer funnel, having a video will skyrocket your engagement, lead generation, and sales conversions.

You might have missed the trick by not using videos until now, but it’s never too late. Moreover, with a powerful AI online video maker like Vidnami, you could get a head start! 

With features like advanced AI Engine, Automatic Clip selection, AutoVoice, in-built free images, video clips, starter templates, and unlimited customization options, Vidnami is definitely worth its price tag.

I can definitely vouch that Vidnami is currently the #1 online video maker where you can create engaging videos easily, quickly, and cost-effectively. Moreover, you don’t need any kind of technical skill to create an engaging and captivating video.

So what are you waiting for?

Start Using Vidnami Now and create videos that would boost your engagement, lead generation, and sales conversions.

Vidnami is closed now.  That is a bummer, isn’t it?

But fortunately, we have the best Vidnami alternative available on the market right now!

Drum roll…!!!

Introducing PICTORY.AI!

Still not convinced ? No issues. Why don’t you try it yourself? 

If you enjoyed reading my Vidnami review, kindly share it. I would very much appreciate it.

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